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If (for an example) a caching NGinx reverse proxy were to be placed downstream, it'd periodically need to re-fetch the entire content, as it (correctly) uses conditional requests to revalidate the content rather than placing a HEAD first. So, the final step in this issue is to add support for a more normal use-case - conditional GETS (i.e. If-Modified-Since etc). As no page currently returns a cache-control header, also need to implement a configuration option to allow one to be set if...
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Because previously published blocks can’t be modified or altered after they’ve been added to the blockchain, this provides a level of transparency. After all, everyone can see the transactions. A Step-by-Step Look at the Crypto Mining Process Okay, it’s time to take a really granular look at the cryptocurrency mining process and better understand how it works. 1.
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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit. cur prev 16:39, 5 September 2018 ‎ Rule talk contribs ‎ 32,360 bytes +32,360 ‎ Created page with " * 상위 문서: 세금 [include(틀:회원수정/기간, 기한=2018-09-11 16:27:09)] [목차] == 개요 == {{{+1 得稅 / Income Tax}}} 소득에 대해 부과하..." Retrieved from " http://hiddenwep33eg4w225lcdwcez4iefacwpiia6cwg7pfmcz4hvijzbgid.onion/index.php?title=소득세 " Navigation menu Personal tools Log in Namespaces Page...