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Are you in want of trustworthy hackers? Have you been the victim of hacking? If the answer to all these questions is Yes, you’re at the right place. In this blog, we’ll throw some light on various aspects of social media security and what you’ve to do in case someone hacked your social media accounts like Facebook, Snapchat, etc.
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<sgp_> and that brings us to the end of the wall of text <sgp_> Does anyone have questions or comments on what happened? I won’t be able to answer some of them unfortunately but I’ll do my best. <M5M400> one question comes to mind: HOW? <needmonero90> The security researchers are dealing with the box atm <needmonero90> We'll probably only know after their analysis <sgp_> M5M400: that's an important question that I don't really have the...
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" ) answer = int ( input ( " Type your answer here >> " ) ) if answer == 8 : score = score + 1 print ( " Woo hoo! That was correct! " ) print ( " Your score is now " + str ( score ) ) else : print ( " Boo hiss ... the answer was 8 :( " ) print ( " Your score is now " + str ( score ) ) #second question print ( " What is the square root of 121?
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