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_chain 145 for col in range(chain // self.rows + 1): 146 x_pos = self.margin_x + col * 2 * block_size 147 this_col = min(chain - col * self.rows, self.rows) 148 rows = range(this_col) 149 if col % 2: 150 rows = [self.rows - 1 - i for i in rows] 151 for row in rows: 152 chain % ((col + 1) * self.rows) 153 y_pos = start_y - row * 2 * block_size 154 self.drawer.ctx.rectangle(x_pos, y_pos, block_size, block_size) 155 156 self.drawer.ctx.fill() 157 self.drawer.draw(offsetx=self.offset, width=self.length)...
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Love this site, don't worry about not posting frequently - there's RSS, and there's the people that value quality over quantity Oct 16, 2023 Permalink Reply This is the old 'chan, I am missing. Cozy pilled content. Hope RMS really gets better as well. Oct 16, 2023 Permalink Reply Aw, this was so sweet. The media and normies like to claim that anons are awful people, but in reality they are very kind in their own little weird, autistic way.