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Oh and there's a human 4 weeks ago | 1 0 Ricdesan I like your dinosaur 4 weeks ago | 1 0 mikeatike 4 weeks ago | 13 4 JackHL01 looks like she LMAO's a bit to much 4 weeks ago | 5 6 Shovi Her ass is fine, you're just used to american fat asses. 4 weeks ago | 1 0 JackHL01 ummm, nope, i am a EU citizen! and i like at least some visible signs of the gluteus maximus 4 weeks ago | 1 1 Shovi If you dont see a visible ass there then i suggest you get some glasses. 4 weeks ago | 1...
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Filipina drugs convict nearly executed in Indonesia to return home Dec. 18 2024-12-16 Five Australian drug convicts were repatriated Sunday, but reciprocity will apply in future transfers of foreign prisoners, Indonesian official says. Mekong treasures: Tiny shrew mole, fanged furry hedgehog among new discoveries 2024-12-16 Research in remote locations, genetic studies, ‘museum mining’ help identify unknown species of plants, animals.
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"Enemies, particularly the Zionist regime, have received the message that any tiny action against (our) country will prompt a harsh answer from the armed forces, which will accompany the destruction of Haifa and Tel Aviv," Raisi said.
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But we also know it’s not a one-sided conflict. I’ll go ahead and block your toxic ass. People like you like to be loud on the internet but won’t do shit in real life. Linkerbaan @lemmy.world English · Wow you’re so cool you don’t care about Genocide and post about other things.
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