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We champion our customers’ needs, maintain quality relationships, and supply personal service recommendations uniquely suited to each individual client. We install commercial coffee brewing equipment (fresh brew, thermal, single cup, semi-auto espresso and fully-auto espresso equipment) in offices throughout the Puget Sound region. We provide routine cleaning and maintenance to this equipment while checking inventory and delivering quality coffee and related products.
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No endorsements are made or implied regarding any sites or organizations mentioned here. Want a link listed or removed here? Email hello -a-t- dark.fail Jabber: darkdotfail at jabber.calyxinstitute.org Defend your right to privacy: donate to the EFF.
This can be seen by tracerouting the hostname 'mc128.theminecrafthosting.com' which was provided to me by their support.This hostname leads to Hetzner's FSN1-DC11 datacentre, which according to them, do not provide collocation, only dedicated server hosting (search 'hetzner datacenter locations' on google and it's the link called 'Rechenzentren und Anbindung/en – Hetzner DokuWiki').I cannot post the direct article on this review.They're intentionally misleading their clients, and this can...