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The five state enemies are Syria, China, Iran, Bahrainand Vietnam. The other is a list of five “Corporate Enemies of the Internet,” five private-sector companies that are “digital era mercenaries.” The five companies chosen are Gamma, Trovicor, Hacking Team, Amesys and Blue Coat, but the list is not exhaustive and will be expanded in the coming months.
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More information on the project page . This Instance is available via Internet , Onion and I2P ( B32 | Helper ). Command line clients available for Windows | Linux | Python . #StandwithUkraine 🇺🇦 name 0000-00-00 c Reply Add comment Post comment
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It can be picked up much more cheaply that most of the other devices on this list. However, don’t let the price tag fool you — it’s still a decent machine. As well as being great for those concerned about the price of their mining unit, the Antminer T9+ is ideal when space is a concern.
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I am not particularly good at keeping this website up-to-date, but you should be able to find information on how to contact me , read the articles I have written , and have a look at the public talks I have given over the years. This website is also accessible as a Tor Onion Service if your browser supports it. Traveling I enjoy traveling, but unfortunately, I have only visited European and North American countries.
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