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So, for example, when I ask whether a media stream has the same checksum as when I originally wrote it to disk, dano tells me whether the checksum matches: ➜ dano -w ' Sample.mkv ' murmur3=2f23cebfe8969a8e11cd3919ce9c9067 : " Sample.mkv " ➜ dano -t ' Sample.mkv ' " Sample " : OK # Now change our file's name and our checksum still verifies, # because the checksum is stored in a xattr ➜ mv ' Sample.mkv ' ' test1.mkv ' ➜ dano -t ' test2.mkv ' " test1.mkv " : OK # Now change our file's metadata and *write a...
Spreading methods: USB Drives Local network shares Local Files (py, zip, exe, bat, jar, pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, mp3, mp4, png) Cloud Drives (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, DropBox) Python Interpreter (Injects worm loader into all compiled python projects) Discord Spam (Sends your messages to all channels and friends) Telegram Spam (Sends your messages to all channels and contacts) Also it will download your malware and install on target system, then spread it.
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Demo Last month, I successfully triggered a lockscreen event using our 3D-printed BusKill prototype. http://www.buskillvampfih2iucxhit3qp36i2zzql3u6pmkeafvlxs3tlmot5yad.onion/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/buskill-3d-2023-08_640.mp4 Continue reading BusKill Demos (Windows, MacOS, Linux, TAILS, QubesOS) January 18, 2022 May 19, 2024 Michael Altfield Video Demo Watch the below video to see a demonstration of BusKill running on all of the below-listed systems.
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One will think primarily of MP3 files, but it also does other formats, such as Ogg, FLAC, MP4/AAC, MusePack, Monkey’s Audio files and WavPack files (APE tag). EasyTag’s screen real estate is divided into three windows. The left window shows you the directories of your file system.
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This isn't valid video file. We accept video files only the following extensions: .mp4, .webm, .ogg, .ogv, .mov, .avi. Wrong video duration. The video duration is more than 30 minutes. We accept less 30 minutes duration video.
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