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D’autre part, cinq des vingt Tamouls ont décidé de faire une demande d’asile à Chypre. Qu’à cela ne tienne, et malgré l’ouverture d’une instruction, le C-Star est finalement autorisé à quitter Famagouste. L’administration égyptienne et la justice chypriote ont statué en faveur du C-Star.
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So here, in elementary bulletpoint recaps of this conversation. A) all USB-C ports are physically capable of handling Thunderbolt. There ' s no such thing as a Thunderbolt USB-C. B) the most recent Framework laptop is Thunderbolt certified and tested, so your USB-C ports will support Thunderbolt.
After removal of the solvent from the combined extracts, there remained 55 g of an amber oil which was distilled at 100-110 ° C at 0.4 mm/Hg producing 41 g of an off-white liquid. This was dissolved in 200 mL IPA, neutralized with about 17 mL of concentrated HCl, and then treated with 400 mL anhydrous Et2O.
Other things you can connect them to View image in fullscreen Most other devices see the Nreal glasses as a TV or monitor connected via USB-C. Photograph: Samuel Gibbs/The Guardian Outside of what Nreal intends you to do using its Nebula control app, the glasses can simply act as a USB-C external monitor.
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