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One of the most explosive documentaries exposing the horrors of 1948 is the documentary "Tantura: The Untold Story of the 1948 Massacre", which was directed by Israeli filmmaker Alon Schwarz in 2022. This is a masterful documentary, as Schwarz interviews all parties involved, including former military personnel who admit to the facts, and others who deny them.
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Section 7 discusses the infeasibility of the average user correcting the aforementioned issues. Finally, section 8 provides links to what other security researchers have said about this topic. Due to inevitable pedanticism, "Linux" in this article refers to a standard desktop Linux or GNU/Linux distribution.
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Luckily, unlike Berkman’s generation, the numbers blinded by wishful thinking about “socialism” in Russia are fewer although we do have those who, while denouncing Stalin, seem incapable of seeing the obvious links with Lenin’s regime and its ideological conceptions (most notably, but not limited to, its vanguardism). As we show in section H.6, the standard modern-day Leninist excuses for Bolshevik tyranny have nothing to recommend them – both in terms of theory and empirical evidence.
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