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Publié le 3 décembre Racisme - colonialisme Le Placard Brûle : Programme de décembre Lundi 2 décem­bre à 15h : Défaire le vali­disme Lundi 16 décem­bre à 18h : Projection du film Disco Boy de Giacomo Abbruzzese Lundi 23 décem­bre à 15h : La mort, la suite Lundi 30 décem­bre de 11h à 17h : Chantier col­lec­tif Publié le 30 novembre Urbanisme - aménagement Concert de soutien à la lutte contre l'A69 et la LGV - Jeudi 12 décembre Concerts : Ratur (rap) + Hors-sujet (post punk bancal...
Tough crowd. 42 comments r/Greyhounds • u/hemingwayreds • 1d ago Rex. He’s just a big baby boy 257 Upvotes 8 comments r/Greyhounds • u/JellyBelz • 2h ago Advice Separation 2 Upvotes So, my plan is to adopt in January. Reasoning is I have some time off work, and I won't be traveling at least until June at the earliest.
ORDER GHB LIQUID WITH QUALITY TEST KIT This product goes by several names GHB, “G” (most common), Gamma-OH, Liquid E, Fantasy, Georgia Home Boy, Grievous Bodily Harm, Liquid X, Liquid Ecstasy (is not ecstasy), Scoop, Water, Everclear, Great Hormones at Bedtime, GBH, Soap, Easy Lay, Salty Water, G-Riffick, Cherry Meth, an Organic Quaalude.
By now the hard-hitting but melodic Nazareth sound was becoming discernible, and the album reached No 11 on the UK album chart, while spinning off the Top 10 UK hit singles Broken Down Angel and Bad Bad Boy . Loud’n’Proud (1973) did one better on the UK album charts by reaching No 10, and their rocked-up version of Joni Mitchell’s This Flight Tonight was a No 11 single.
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The flavor is nowhere near as nasty as PE, instead it tastes like a regular button! I had a half gram and boy did it feel great. Very potent stuff indeed Jan 10th, 2024 (14g Whole Pan Cyan) I finally got the chance to sample a 0.5g starter dose of these from a previous order and it was a marvelous experience, perfect for a Sunday night session: no body-load or anxiety; transparent, smooth, and with a big bubble of euphoria that lasted the entire 4 hours of the trip.
Permit me, someone who lived under the Swastika flag from 1935, when the Saar was reunited with Germany, to 1945, to give a short answer. To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In the Hitler Youth the differences between Christian denominations or the different German states didn't count.
Ever since, rather than what's usually defined as a "love/hate" relationship, I've had a real hate/hate relationship with Windows (and with all proprietary software , or as my boy DT calls it, proprietary garbage ), because I'd finally realized that it was basically " blocking " me and holding me back from really discovering and learning computers, reaching my Ultra...
It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy’s value is your value. That’s what defines an age, that’s… what defines a species. " ― The Doctor "And you know what you do with all that pain?
He had been known in the army as a “hard man” and he expected his daughter to be equally tough; he taught her how to fight, and insisted that she “stick up for herself”. When Myra was aged 8, a local boy approached her in the street and scratched both of her cheeks with his fingernails, drawing blood. She burst out crying and ran into her parents’ house, only her father demanded that she “Go and punch him the boy because if you don’t “I’ll beat you” Myra found the...
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Replies: >>170 Anon 31/01/2025, 17:05:11 No. 170 Hide Filter Name Moderate arcsiel.jpg [ Hide ] (225.9KB, 1374x2160) >>166 (OP) >Коната ведьмочка Boogiepop wa Warawanai Texhnolyze Sonny Boy Barakamon Soul Eater Rewrite (любители VN не бейте) Anon 01/02/2025, 03:09:11 No. 176 Hide Filter Name Moderate bakemonogatari Anon 03/02/2025, 16:37:07 No. 232 Hide Filter Name Moderate ClipboardImage.png [ Hide ] (1.3MB, 1280x763) Anon 26/01/2025, 12:02:10 No. 98 [Open] Hide Filter Name Moderate Watch...
Also for some reason I'm now writing odes to my beloved Ablers :3 (message me if you want one lol). Jerry you will WAIT for new poems like a good boy. Be patient hoe. THIS WAS MADE FOR PC SCREENS - IT WILL LIKELY LOOK ASS ON MOBILE! Here is the current list of poems in order of newest to oldest: (click to expand) "I Smile Too (sometimes)" I pass by it often, its windows letting loose a golden buzz, its door wearing the cheeky smile of an old friend.
If the CIA wanted Trump dead, he would be dead. Read More » Nigga, Your Boy Back Andrew Anglin July 15, 2024 We always on our job. Read More » I’m Going to Sleep for Like 15 Hours and Then Quadruple Down on “Aim for the Ear” Theory Andrew Anglin July 14, 2024 This fixes the other article.