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Other stuff about languages: Why do laypeople ask such strange questions about Language, language(s), and linguistics? Why do people enjoy learning and making conlangs (artificial languages)? How do professional linguists react to Esperanto?
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I think the other applications of AI are mostly going to turn out to be nothing really important. ¨ Anonymous 03/05/24(Tue)01:04:12 No. 181 > > 179 Anyone that remembers the dot com boom of the 90's and early 00's will remember the hysteria of how the Internet was going to change everything, nobody would have to work normal jobs anymore, we would have 4 hour work weeks, endless possibilities.
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Publikohen emrat e pengjeve që do të lirohen nga Hamasi në fundjavë Drejt Italisë dhe grupi i tretë i migrantëve të dërguar në Gjadër Gjonaj: Vota e diasporës e rëndësishme, nuk mund të manipulohet lehtë Sekretari Rubio turne diplomatik në Amerikën Qendrore në mbështje të politikës “Amerika e Para” Aktuale Vazhdojnë hetimet për aksidentin ajror, Presidenti Trump thotë se helikopteri po fluturonte mbi lartësinë e lejuar SHBA, ligjvënësit diskutojnë ndikimin e ngrirjes së ndihmave përballë konkurrencës me...
Photos Just like Tuta, all of the following pictures have been provided under permissive licenses. Thank you! Blogtrepreneur / CC BY 2.0 Dimitri Karastelev Sweet Chili Arts/ CC BY-SA 2.0 Viktor Forgacs Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash g4ll4is/ CC BY 2.0 Joe Ravi / CC BY-SA 3.0 Mariia Shalabaieva Ed Hardie on Unsplash Towfiqu barbhuiya Nikolay Vorobyev NOYB / CC BY-NC 3.0 Original image from Solen Feyissa on Unsplash Daniel Antal/ CC BY...
Though this could be an instance where a dead-man switch was triggered and information was passed onto Kingdom Market's representatives, alerting them of the seizure. Though from /u/Paris 's spectulation it's said to be that the Kingdom Market's administrators have been arrested and Kingdom Market was seized by BKA (Germany law enforcement).
View people 's darkest secrets or post your own anonymously . == Email / Messaging == == Email / Messaging == See also: The compendium of clearnet [[Email]] providers.
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HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 46631 (46K) [text/x-sh] Saving to: 'LinEnum.sh' LinEnum.sh 100%[===================>] 45.54K 222KB/s in 0.2s 2020-02-21 18:50:40 (222 KB/s) - 'LinEnum.sh' saved [46631/46631] $./LinEnum.sh We can, therefore we execute LinEnum.sh after adding the executing right with chmod and looking at it's output we see that crontab executes a /var/www/laravel/artisan every minute as root. $ ls -lash...
The only two data fields that match exactly are the ‘ LUKS 0xbabe ‘ “magic number” field and the version field. offset length name data type description 0 6 magic number byte[] ‘L’,’U’,’K’,’S’, 0xba, 0xbe 6 2 version uint16_t LUKS version As the table above shows, our first field is the so-called LUKS_MAGIC field that starts at byte 0 and is 6 bytes long. user@host:~$ hexdump -Cn 6 -s 0 luksVol1 00000000 4c 55 4b 53 ba be ...
A crime that you are guilty of because you are THINKING of doing something bad. (i.e. In 1984's Oceania, spending time alone is almost a crime because it's considered odd, and odd people are a threat to a stable environment such as theirs.) also, see patriot act.
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