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What time is it? It's time for anther caw caw thread! When you wake up on the 1st of the month, if the first thing you say out loud is "caw caw caw", you'll be blessed with good luck for a month! Lot's of things have been going on, and you might be feeling down, but don't give up!
Posted Tue Oct 22 00:00:00 2024 Removal of buster-backports from the debian archive Debian Backports does not support LTS [1], therefore buster-backports is unsupported since August 1st 2022. Despite of the documentation buster-backport was still available on the mirrors, that changed recently with the archival of buster-backports.
Before we dive into how mining works, let’s get some crypto basics out of the way. The 1st important thing to keep in mind is that cryptocurrency transactions are recorded on a blockchain. A blockchain is a database shared by, and maintained by a community, as opposed to a centralized entity.
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Before 2007, he worked in the Ministry of Justice and in the secret service. Since 1st January 2015, he has been the National Police Commissioner , it means the head of the Swedish Police Authority, appointed by the Government, responsible for all activities of the police in the whole country.
The ckn will taste better if you season it the day before with curry also. Also 1st step is to “cook” the curry in oil to bloom the flavor & prevent GI upset from undercooked curry & add grated ginger after. You don't need cornstarch.
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Even if some billios hold such views on human population they only apply it to the non-first world countries & the poorfags in the 1st ones. >Socially conservative marxists are called national socialists. No, they were always called patriotic (so, = national) socialists in the so-called socialist states. >>3747 >long term partnerships and raising of children was always done in social way, not the classoid shit that is the family unit, which is all about raising good state-upholding...
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For reference, the "latest" version used in the HackLiberty documentation for June 1st, 2024 is v5.8.0-beta.6 which is now several security fixes behind. Everything is now ready to be deployed. Run: docker compose up -d Run the following command to see the SMP and XFTP server addresses: echo "smp://$(<simplex/smp/config/fingerprint)@$(awk -F '=' '/ADDR=/ {print $2}' docker-compose.yml | head -1)" && \ echo "xftp://$(<simplex/xftp/config/fingerprint)@$(awk -F '=' '/ADDR=/ {print $2}'...
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LINDT/yy26 27/07/2024, 00:25:41 No. 329267 Hide Filter Name Filter Tripcode Moderate 802b18c74e09e9cb1cbcad4c0bc38e0de5a52aa08acbb4d521d18cf41731a046.jpg [ Hide ] (1.8MB, 3201x1600) > > 329253 Best gift ever. Adult Masha Thread Anon 22/07/2024, 19:09:49 No. 328505 [Open] Hide Filter Name Filter Subject Moderate Watch Playlist masha.jpg [ Hide ] (49.4KB, 640x640) I wanted to make a thread dedicated to one of the most beautiful women of all time.
We'd also like to take this opportunity to look back on the past 8 months, and see where we got to. 2 _posts/2016-01-01-monero-0.9.0-hydrogen-helix-released.md Unescape Escape View File @ -6,8 +6,6 @@ tags: [releases] author: Riccardo Spagni (fluffypony) --- *January 1st, 2016* ## Summary of Changes Too much to describe. Represents a major release in Monero's history, over a year-and-a-half in the making.
A working steam engine was described by Hero of Alexandria in the 1st century BC, and yet it was only commercialized 1,600 years later. The movable type printing press already existed before Gutenberg’s machine, in 14th century Korea - yet didn’t lead to a revolution there.
NSFW • Upvotes I just picked up 6g and about to take it in like 30 mins. It ' s like my 4th time tripping on shrooms and it ' s my 1st heroic dose. Im tryna experience ego death and truely get some life-changing lesson from it. Yall thibk 6g would be enough to be absolutely blasted out of my mind and dissolve into the universe?
Prototype Begins And so, chipping away whenever I could — whether it was few minutes or a few hours — I am now working on the PROOF OF CONCEPT / 1st Prototype. And that’s what I’m here to share with you today. However, it’s still very much a work-in-progress (more on this below).