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We work on Tuta not just because it is a job, but because it is very fulfilling to work on someting with a meaning: We develope Tuta Mail and Tuta Calendar so that everyone can protect their private data, and with every new user who joins Tuta, we feel like this is another tiny victory against surveillance capitalism. We understand that we still have a long way to go until we can fully match the product of surveillance capitalists such as Google or Microsoft, but our development progress...
Yes, cheats end up only interacting with memory, but it should have just been called "cheat". Of note is the cheat VM, which is a nice, tiny cheat interpreter. Pretty cool! ## Tools Here you'll find some debugging tools, including a "memory freezer" that allows you to silently prevent the game from changing data at certain memory addresses.
Last year, US Secret Service seized $58 million counterfeits. That’s a tiny fraction of the roughly $1.4 trillion in circulation in 2015. Most of seized counterfeits were low quality, often home-printed. As technology moves forward, we constantly upgrade our equiment and improve printing process to keep our services top level and minimize risk for our customers.
This is possible because IPv6 addresses are 128-bit, while IPv4 addresses are only 32-bit, thus the entire IPv4 address space can fit into a tiny /96 of IPv6 (most server hosts give you a /64 of IPv6 included with your VPS/Dedi, enough to fit the entire IPv4 address space over 4 million times).
<oneiric_> hiyo all <oneiric_> welcome Corklander, looks like it may just be us today again <oneiric_> item 1: Current project status / what's been done <oneiric_> have spent the last few weeks refactoring and implementing generic wrappers for ecies <oneiric_> went down a rabbit hole that took way longer thatn expected <oneiric_> than* <oneiric_> in the middle of switching crypto++ for libsodium <oneiric_> last remaining piece is the AES impl, which will be replaced with tiny-aes <kinghat>...
Korban banjir di Sumatra Barat terus meningkat, puluhan tewas 2024-05-13 BNPB berlakukan status tanggap darurat banjir lahar hujan dan longsor hingga 14 hari ke depan. Prabowo terapkan “Asian Way” dalam kebijakan luar negeri 2024-05-13 Presiden Indonesia terpilih sebut bahwa kedekatan Indonesia dengan AS bukan berarti tidak bekerja sama dengan China.
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Buni ham ko'ring US invests in sovereignty and independence of Central Asian states, says Donald Lu, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia Navbahor Imamova, "Amerika Ovozi": Ko'plab tahlilchilar nazarida Vashingtonda Markaziy Osiyo bilan hamkorlikda hamon harbiy hamkorlik, xavfsizlik yuzasidan sheriklik ustuvor.
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Final Thoughts Hackers sometimes do not distinguish between a multimillion-dollar company and a tiny company offering homemade items. Websites get hacked for a variety of reasons, regardless of the size of your business or the type of your website.
Our next data deletion is scheduled for February 1st, 2024 . 3 Cookies Cookies are tiny files that your own browser stores on your own device. Thanks to the cookies, it is possible to keep a session started or to remember particular settings such as colors, graphic settings or languages.
Was well packaged and smell proof... until it stank my room out from the second there was a tiny tear from me opening it! Some very nice smoke! Well worth waiting for the post to catch up with covid q**********: Haven't smoked any yet, but it looks and smells alright (although a bit squished from the post).