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Last November, fellow University of Toronto professor Ira Wells called him “the professor of piffle” – a YouTube star rather than a credible intellectual. Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him “the stupid man’s smart person” . “Peterson’s secret sauce is to provide an academic veneer to a lot of old-school rightwing cant, including the notion that most academia is corrupt and evil, and banal self-help patter,” says Southey.
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“I’m a Slovak Ruthenian Greek Orth in the Byzantine rites.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/03/27/roger-stone-shakes-a-nixonian-martini >> Anonymous 2024-02-04 (Sun) 23:28:47   No. 151775 Why do you post fun threads like this in /b/ instead of /leftypol/?
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Relearning to touch sound with our hands — that’s the heart, the essence of music! Iannis Xenakis, Magazine, Iannis Xenakis: Architect, Composer, Visionary , Personal Notebook. [1] All the work I have done over the years is a sort of mosaic of hierarchical coherencies.
His story, getting to the Tor project and creating that at the NRL, the Naval Research Laboratory, back in the 90s is one that begins with picking up a jobs for philosophers magazine, literally a magazine called jobs for philosophers. And that’s all that within that magazine, just job postings for philosophy majors.
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Ah , quelle belle affaire chez Hersant , Madame, diffuser le journal Signal (magazine dynamique de la Waffen SS), les idées du Maréchal, c’était bon pour la croissance. Pendant que les éditeurs couchaient avec l’occupant , la flicaille enfournait les juifs, les cocos, les roms et les autres, dans les bus pour le vel d’Hiv.
The men spoke as part of a large investigation for The Monthly magazine, along with other complainants against George Pell who have never spoken publicly before. Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
To get a feel of where I’m at in terms of computers, I can install Linux and move around the directories. I don’t know many Linux commands besides cd,ls,sudo and some other basic commands. I know nothing of docker or bash but wanted to know of there was something that could guide me to the level I need to be to self host.
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