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Your call. 31 u/Dogecoin_olympiad767 Jan 30 '25 the one trick to turn it from creepy to not creepy is to make a tiny, tiny smile the second time and break eye contact a second later. If she smiles too then it's a good sign. If not then maybe leave it. → More replies (1) → More replies (26) 82 u/Gromps Jan 30 '25 If this ever happens to me I just look away and refuse to look in their direction ever again.
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https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/21/atlanta-shootings-racist-myths-lie-behind-the-rise-in-violence-against-asian-americans 英国のThe Guardian紙 アジア人に対する差別について要約 0.アトランタでの銃撃事件で、被害者8人の内6人がアジア人だった 1.トランプ大統領がCovid-19を「中国のウイルス」と呼び、アジア人への偏見に繋がった 2.アジア人偏見の歴史 2.1.19世紀の黄禍論(黄色人種脅威論)について ¨ 続投 幸福元素 21/03/23 19:37:07 No. 41 3.パンデミック前のアジア人についての議論 3.1.ハーバード大学とイェール大学でアファーマティブアクション(米国の積極的差別解消。)
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. -6 u/Busy_Speech_9840 Nov 07 '22 A troy ounce of silver... real money in exchange for paper. No brainer. 5 u/sunnygovan Nov 07 '22 How is having a tiny amount of a less widely used currency life changing? -4 u/Busy_Speech_9840 Nov 07 '22 The answer to that question will be all to obvious when the current global Fiat money experiment fails. 2 u/sunnygovan Nov 07 '22 Except you'll only have $30 worth.
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qty 50 PRESS INFORMATION: -M30 Stamp looking Identical to Pharma but just a tiny bit smaller.(Passing these off as Pharma might have some customers question strength since just underdosed to a 30) -Can eat, ... North America > Worldwide 67198 11 5 693.00 USD View motherfuckerj0nes ultimate watch my girlfriend leaked pictures Stolen pictures from site rip hack of popular site watchmygf.net OVER 670 Galeries - almost 20.000 Photos - more than 1,5 GB of horny girls Watch My GF is the...
qty 50 PRESS INFORMATION: -M30 Stamp looking Identical to Pharma but just a tiny bit smaller.(Passing these off as Pharma might have some customers question strength since just underdosed to a 30) -Can eat, ... North America > Worldwide 66382 11 5 693.00 USD View sd1218 1gx super strong synthetic china white About the product The product is Synthetic China White Really strong.
Anonymous 03/24/24 (Sun) 08:23:57   No. 2292 >>2287 ummm ok thats ackhtually a monster sized gock right there spfella Anonymous 03/24/24 (Sun) 08:26:17   No. 2293 >>2220 holy shit i can't make sense are those like gigantic beer cans and bottles or some shit or those trays for gardening are tiny wtf Anonymous 03/24/24 (Sun) 08:30:06   No. 2294 also what is that crystal looking thang??? Anonymous 03/24/24 (Sun) 15:08:43   No. 2295 >>2293 >>2294 the trays are tiny theyre only...
我看那些文盲poser到现在都不知道sourcehut ceo干了什么 Horatiu Rădulescu 02/09/25 (Sun) 20:14:30   No. 247 >>245 I guess I understand what you say, but I think it's like Chinese restaurants in western countries. Of course those are fake. Bunch of western people fetishize asian culture and some asian people make profit by selling those fake things. People who like Apple products. That's all. >Tea ceremony It's a heritage came from the long history of civil wars / military dictatorships.
She put her metaphysical "hands" on my jaw and an intense orange colored energy, full of tiny geometric patterns, overwhelmed the entire bottom half of my face, I felt intense relief in my jaw and a warm feeling as the energy was flowing through my jaw and mouth.