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External Ballistics: Definition: The study of the bullet's flight from the moment it leaves the barrel until it hits the target. Key Factors: Bullet velocity, trajectory, wind resistance, and gravity.
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Because the paste is so strong, users quickly build up a level of resistance which means they must take it on a staggeringly frequent basis. Heavy amphetamine users told The Independent on Sunday that they had injected the drug up to 16 times a day.
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BC COUNTER INFO ABOUT US SUBMIT Tree Spiking in Fairy Creek Watershed In the summer of 2021 outside the coastal town of Port Renfrew in the Fairy Creek watershed, a campaign to stop old… February 26, 2025 Water, Land, and Freedom: My Journey Through a Decade of Pipeline Resistance on the Yintah and Beyond Reproduced from a Jan 17, 2025 submission to It’s Going Down by Amplifier Films.
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But in the post-Snowden era, libraries have taken to fighting mass surveillance on the ground, teaching privacy-enhancing technologies to their patrons in free computer classes, installing these tools on library PCs, and getting deeply involved in the growing anti-surveillance movement.
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The buyer of the commodity or service sends the required number of bitcoins to the seller’s divulged address as payment, and the blockchain verifies the validity of the transaction and confirms that the buyer or sender really has those funds to send.
Resistance and Persuasion by Eric S. Knowles, Jay A. Linn https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=DB63BA33799592116AE5B2903D89DD5A >More scientific (sociology) approach to the topic than 'the power of persuasion'.
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