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Moved light calculation from all over the code to a self-contained place. Moved light computation off the main thread on the server. Sneaking Now reduces the player's height to 1.5 blocks, allowing them to walk through 1.5-block-tall gaps. Status effects Each individual status effect icon texture is now found in a separate texture file.
Red Dragon Notch revealed during the 8th Seecret Friday Update that he was planning to add dragons. [26] Later, he mentioned dragons again during MINECON 2010 . [27] On October 12th, 2011, he announced on Twitter that after the addition of the Ender Dragon , he was planning to add "slightly less dangerous" red dragons, which would be able to land and wouldn't destroy terrain. [28] In a Reddit thread on the same day, when questioned about how Ender Dragons phase through blocks, Notch went...
Tant de gens veulent des alternatives à la police, aux prisons et au système de justice pénale, mais très peu sont prêt-Es à s’engager réellement dans le dur travail à long terme pour les construire. » — Mia Mingus , thread . Les milieux anti carcéraux (et de justice sociale plus généralement) ne peuvent plus continuer à nier la ségrégation des personnes handicapées en France, l’empire du déni, comme cet environnementalisme mainstream qui ne dit pas un mot sur le handicap, un silence qui...
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[mimcom2 for MIM: Where did we raise anything about "racist bums" in this thread? Grandstanding for the George Wallace vote again? But now that you mention it, Amerikkkans are getting a lot more than a "slap in the face" in Iraq right now.
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하지만 NSA의 관심은 테러리스트를 색출하거나, 적대국 독재 정권을 약화시키는 데 있지, FBI처럼 페도파일이나 마약 판매상은 노관심이라 상대 안 함 . − ※ [[Java]] [[thread]]의 실행 순서를 제어하기 위한 [[메소드]]를 무엇이라고 하는가? + FBI는 합법적으로만 운영해야 하는 수사 기관이라 NSA처럼 비밀스럽게 합법과 불법을 넘나들며 운영할 수는 없어서 FBI가 직접 Tor node를 운영하는 것도 아니고.
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