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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donna4mi/videos/761330758791986/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmOyXpXxE Rumble: https://rumble.com/v2onjjy-bnn-brandenburg-news-network-5192023-karen-the-riveter-and-isaiah-young-jr.html Transcript in English (auto-generated) good morning welcome to brandenburg news network i am in fact donna brandenburg it is the nineteenth day of may twenty twenty three and it's a wonderful day to be live here in michigan it would be even better if we didn't have...
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An alternative analysis[5] proposes that the "tensed" series of sounds are (fundamentally) regular voiceless, unaspirated consonants: the "lax" sounds are voiced consonants that become devoiced initially, and the primary distinguishing feature between word-initial "lax" and "tensed" consonants is that initial lax sounds cause the following vowel to assume a low-to-high pitch contour, a feature reportedly associated with voiced consonants in many Asian languages, whereas tensed (and also...
نام این شرکت‌ها در بیانیه‌های وزارت خزانه‌داری آمریکا و اتحادیه اروپا که در رابطه با تحریم بابک زنجانی منتشر شده،‌ آمده‌ است: ترمینال اتوبوس دوشنبه (Dushanbe Bus Terminal) بانک سرمایه‌گذاری کنت (Kont Investment Bank) شرکت مصالح ساختمانی ماویس (Mavis Building Materials FZCO)  ساختمانی کنت (Kont Building ) هواپیمایی اکسپرس آسیا (Asian Express Airline) آرایشی کنت (Kont Cosmetic) تجارت کنت (Kont Trading)  مرکز خرید دوشنبه (Dushanbe City Center) دفتر مرکزی مصالح ساختمانی ماویس (Mavis Building...
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It takes only the change of someone's birth place by a few thousand kilometers - say from the USA or a Muslim country - to an European or Asian one to make them switch from believing circumcision is fine and necessary to pointless and harmful. Almost everyone today accepts and submits to compulsory schooling, widespread advertisements, hospital births, junk foods, and many many other suboptimal (IMO) things, just because they're the defaults.
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Yoni Heisler, BGR Hacking a Tesla Model S: What we found and what we learned Kevin Mahaffey, Lookout Blog How Hackers Tore Apart A Tesla Model S To Kill The Car Mid-Drive Thomas Fox-Brewster, Forbes Tech Here is how you learn to hack a car Andrea Peterson, The Washington Post This Hacker’s Tiny Device Unlocks Cars And Opens Garages Andy Greenberg, Wired DEF CON 23: la panoplie de hacker pour voler une voiture connectée Gilbert Kallenborn, 01net.com DEF CON 23: comment des hackers ont...
On the same day, we responded by sharing relevant OONI data through social media channels: https://x.com/OpenObservatory/status/1843815747094753847 *## Community use of OONI data### iMAP 2024 reports on internet censorship in 9 Asian countries* On 22nd October 2024, our long-term partner, Sinar Project ( https://ooni.org/partners/sinar-project/ ), in collaboration with their Internet Monitoring Action Project (iMAP) partners, launched the iMAP 2024 State of Internet Censorship Report...
I constantly compare myself to others, I have limiting beliefs that X people won't like me because they are too good looking/ popular/ white (I'm Asian). I don't take initiative and wait for others to accept me. Constantly comparing my worst qualities to others best. I can be very charming in certain situations where I feel safe.
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Reply anonaf September 11, 2016 at 5:48 am Permalink this shit is legit Reply bob September 11, 2016 at 10:52 am Permalink testing Reply Hellcat September 12, 2016 at 5:21 pm Permalink They messaged back to me with shipping confirmation tracking. He also sent me a photo of his TINY penis. Unprofessional Reply Anonymous September 12, 2016 at 5:47 pm Permalink This is a real. I’m telling everyone at my school.
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Being in my mid-60s now, I am entering into a phase of life that Western culture generally refers to as my “ senior years. ” Outside of Western culture, especially in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, this is the phase of life that is equated with “ wisdom, ” recognizing that people who have lived on this earth the longest, have generally accumulated the most wisdom, and such people are to be respected for having reached this age.
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Poland talk infobooth LinuxDay Orvieto 2024 in Orvieto, Italia 07:00 – 15:00 UTC 25 October 2024 Information day about Linux and Free Software in general; DigiPass in Orvieto, at the library, from 9 to 17 on 25 October 2024; Free entry, no registration or ticket purchase required; Several members of the Orvieto Linux User Group Association and some guests; The event will be entirely in Italian; The programme of the day: 09:00 Iris Biondi, Leonardo Picchiami, Marco Ciammella - Welcome address...