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The offical AppStream specification can be found at freedesktop.org , a description of the DEP-11 YAML format is hosted there as well. You can find the source-code of the AppStream Generator here . Log files of the generator runs are stored in logs/ , machine-readable issue hints can be found in hints/ , valid metadata is located in data/ and all exported media is made available via media/ .
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Siri Reiter 15:30 16:00 Bug triaging and bug closing Solveig 16:30 17:00 Understanding Debian packages Miriam Ruiz 17:30 18:00 l10n workshop Francesca Ciceri, Laura Arjona 18:30 19:00 Dinner & free time 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 Tenth anniversary of Debian Women Le Rouge bar , Avinguda Diagonal 337 22:30 ... 2:30 3:00 Sunday Time Talk room Elsewhere 10:00 Non uploading DD process and a couple of tricks that saved my volunteer life Francesca Ciceri 10:30 11:00 Newcomer...
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More info Price Table 7g $420 14g $800 28g $1,600 56g $3,165 112g $6,160 250g $13,500 500g $26,500 MDMA Champagne Moonrocks MDMA 81-83% World famous Champagne MDMA is all time carried by HungryEyes, best molly for your wild jaw clenching parties and raves, this molly has a great rush that lasts a few hours with a very chill and subtle comedown, just make sure you carry a pack of gum all time. More info Price Table 7g $75 14g $125 28g $220 56g $390 112g $730 250g $1,500 500g $2,875 1KG...
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