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1 year ago | 8 5 Einstein9073 if the line is that problematic maybe skip the whole song 1 year ago | 5 10 IfILikeYourJokeITellYou Problematic is too general of a term. Hitler was problematic. Adding a photo to a word document is problematic. Just call it racist if it is. Also there's always something terrible someone did. Enjoy the music without the racist lyric.
., title, artist, album, year, genre, personal comments. You can also attach a photo to the file. Once you start up EasyTag, it will search your home directory for any and all music format files. This behavior is either helpful or annoying; if it’s the latter, you can simply stop the search and go to the directory of your choice.
Comemorarea, sâmbătă, a victimelor atacurilor din 11 septembrie 2001, la 20 de ani de la producerea acestora, vine însă la scurt timp după ce, odată cu plecarea ultimului militar american, omenirea se întreabă dacă războiul a meritat, dacă America și-a atins într-adevăr obiectivul și, mai ales, ce urmează. Photo Gallery: 11 septembrie 2001 | Imaginile zilei care a schimbat lumea Europa Liberă Atacul terorist de la 11 septembrie 2001 nu a schimbat doar viaţa americanilor, ci î ntreaga lume....
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Genève | 4 juin 2018 Depuis jeudi 31 mai, les attentives-x habitantes-x de Genève ont pu découvrir des affiches qui dénoncent la politique du tout carcéral de Pierre Maudet. Je publie une photo ici, car j ’ ai bien peur qu ’ elles ne restent pas. C ’ est aussi un appel à user de ce genre de moyen pour diversifier le paysage visuel et médiatique genevois.
Deprecated : Creation of dynamic property DIK_WXR_Importer::$options is deprecated in /www/wwwroot/oapeqkzgpudsw4muim74uigvujw55smvhkd2ob3t6ljzhgqmx72itcad.onion/wp-content/plugins/demo-import-kit/inc/class-wxr-importer.php on line 96 Skip to content Deep Dot Web V2-Surfacing The News From The Deep Web Surfacing The News From The Deep Web [email protected] Offcanvas Widget Home Markets Chart News & Articles Onion Links Advertise with Us Contact US Menu Close Close Home Markets Chart News & Articles...
New York Post : A homework assignment at a Massachusetts high school has drawn outrage for being racist after it asked students to list the “positive effects of imperialism.” Calla Walsh tweeted a photo of the history assignment early Tuesday to her 17,000 followers after her 15-year-old freshman sister, Cece, was tasked to read a text on the colonization of Africa and then list both the “negative” and beneficial effects of imperialism. “ Forcing students into the mental exercise of...
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I have storage and PC parts that I have accumulated over the past couple of years after being pissed off at Google for discontinuing unlimited photo storage. So far, I have the following and want to build a family NAS with this wishlist: 1. Photo hosting service 2. File hosting and indexing service, hopefully able to connect to an open LLM mode 3.