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Cloned Cards Counterfeits PayPals Bank Accounts ABOUT INFO CONTACT Bazaar Plastic is known as one of the largest Carding Stores. All transactions pass through the Escrow service. This is how normal credit card processing works, and it provides the buyer with a level of protection because they can dispute a transaction that went wrong.
Just take some precautions, and don't go to your next door ATM. winter_night says: It took 4 days to France and the cards worked, I got bills no problem sakuragui says: Well it seems you guys are one of the legit vendors here. If not the only one.
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Each wallet file is only available for one week and is then no longer for sale. The wallets have a balance between 10 ₿ and 0.01 ₿, depending on how much I want to get rid of. The price is always 50% of the balance, there is no negotiation.
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