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وقال حساب الصحفي، معتز عزايزة، الذي يملك نحو 5 ملايين متابع على إنستغرام إن الأم جرت العربتين لمدة خمس ساعات قطعت خلالها 14 كيلومترا، وأرفق مقطعا يوثق ما حدث. The super mom She kept pulling her 2 kids for more than 5 hours which is 14 km From Gaza coast to the middle area pic.twitter.com/ubG6xgUbWf — MoTaz (@azaizamotaz9) November 10, 2023 وتحت عنوان "Super Mom" أو "الأم الخارقة"، انتشر المقطع خلال الساعات الماضية، وأشاد مستخدمون لموقع "أكس" وفق ما يظهر في التعليقات...
This is an extremely uncommon situation. Unless dad has much taller family members or mom is extremely tall for a woman, this should simply not happen. The sience says mom was most likely sleeping around. Who gives a fuck if it's disrespectful.
One of the girls said to the mom, “See? Don’t be scared.” I thought she had stopped them as a motherly instinct: a “don’t walk in front of this idiot who isn’t watching where he’s going so he doesn’t run into you” thing. 1 6 Ryan C.
Rhythmic and fierce, like the two of us were in a different room of the house trying to share body heat in this chilly apartment. "Like, the blue stuff Mom made me dump in the toilet to get the nasty brown ring off?" "No," she answers from the kitchen. "You never put it on the shopping list.
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"All colleagues of mine who come from the former East left for the same reason," he explains, and a colleague of his, 29-year-old Andreas, who grew up in Cottbus, agrees: "My mom still lives in my hometown, but there weren't job opportunities for me there, so moving away was inevitable." Stereotypes in both directions A few months into living in Germany, a German friend of mine told me about a date she went on, saying that the guy was genuinely nice, but she could " never date someone with...
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