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This was focused around a few critics of current society (notably Fourier and Saint-Simon) who urged the creation of ideal communities to present an example the rest of society would follow.
Yet the conflict in the Middle East is showing Germany in a new light, highlighting fissures in society and the arts world that until now had been easier to ignore.
[ Home / [ Search / Guide / Tor ] ] [ [ * ] [ b / d / o ] [ [ a / hist / lit / theo ] [ q / g / astro / comp ] [ t / m ] ] ] [ ItMens / Tor ] /hist/ - History and Culture "Like leaves on trees the race of man is found, / Now green in youth, now withering on the ground." Replying [Return] Name Email Subject Content( * ) Verification File Max 10M .
Depending on the nature of the breach and the laws governing data protection, companies may be subject to fines, lawsuits, and regulatory scrutiny.
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More UNPRECEDENTED ACCESS TO YOU Covert digital surveillance has become a pervasive force shaping modern society, raising critical concerns about privacy, security, and civil liberties. From the revelation of mass surveillance programs by Edward Snowden to the complex web of global intelligence networks, digital monitoring now extends beyond targeted threats, encompassing ordinary citizens and global communications.
As society evolves, people's values change and masculinity is considered violence. Acting as one pleases is considered as not complying with the norms formed by the majority and is criticized as a mistake.
Software Freedom: What our community has to say about it . The Team See who we are and get to know the people behind the FSFE. Here you find those who work for and with the FSFE and those who have been given responsibility or authority for certain areas - staffers and volunteers.
The mission of the anarchist movement is the following: by word, deed and example, root in society the understanding of the principles of economic justice, and, by overthrowing the state and capitalists, "clear the space" — to provide socio-political conditions for its implementation.
From “ordinary man” to “good family man” there has been no shortage of descriptions applied to the many defendants on trial at the court in Avignon in the south of France. In an interview with Marie Turcan about the case, feminist author Léane Alestra says that French society still struggles to confront the true nature of masculinity.
The police are calling... Chief Librarian: Las Zenow <[email protected]> Fork the source code from gitlab .
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
The machine shines an infrared laser onto the sample, then analyzes the reflected light spectrum to identify the substances in the sample.
The Medmenham Monks, a.k.a. The Hell-Fire Club The Hell-Fire Club was sort of a cross between the Dead Poets Society and a risque Playboy club.
I am particularly interested in the role of gender, Japan’s approach to aging and its declining birthrate, and the evolving leadership role of Japan in Asia. I try to talk to people at all levels of society, and bring in voices that may be hidden to many readers.
For example, the patent system was established to encourage inventors to disclose the details of their inventions. Its purpose was to help society rather than to help inventors.