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And all of their articles are for free, with no paywall. In an article recently published by PCMag.com, Neil J. Rubenking reported how anyone with a cell phone passing by your home can pick up your router ’ s Wifi ID, revealing your location, which can then be stored in Big Tech databases at companies such as Google and Apple.
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Musica [2016-03-12 sab] La Jon Spencer Blues Explosion alla Flog    Musica   Concerti [2016-02-21 dom] La lunga fila di conoscenti di Facebook    Politica   Informatica [2016-02-20 sab] I Cani al Cage di Livorno    Musica   Concerti [2015-12-17 gio] Scaricare la posta con mbsync via tor    Privacy   Personale   Informatica [2015-12-13 dom] Le idee che permettono di cambiarle    Firme [2015-09-29 mar] La ricerca su Spotify sulla musica delle persone della mia età (o quasi)    Musica [2015-08-31 lun] I...
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So for exampe the letter “A” might be moved two places and become the letter “C”, similarly the letter “H” would become “J”, and the letters at the end looping back around so “Y” would become “A”. Under this change “HELLO ALICE” becomes “JGNNQ CNKEG”. The problem with this sort of ancient approach is that if you do this sort of encryption long enough it becomes obvious by what number you're moving all the letters forward in the alphabet.
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