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As bitcoin’s value increased, it became decentralized and as it became decentralized, it also became increasingly difficult to alter the network’s consensus rules or to invalidate, or prevent, otherwise valid transactions (often referred to as censorship-resistance).
But in the post-Snowden era, libraries have taken to fighting mass surveillance on the ground, teaching privacy-enhancing technologies to their patrons in free computer classes, installing these tools on library PCs, and getting deeply involved in the growing anti-surveillance movement.
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Installation is pretty standard, clone the git and install the requirements with pip; however, if you don’t already have the tor service installed, the wiki provides a link to instructions on how to do that.
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The group is developing a threat model for attacks on bitcoin wallet privacy. Their model currently breaks attackers into several categories: Blockchain Observers – link different transactions together to the same identity by observing patterns in the flow of value.