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Also birthsign (Book helps), whether you're drunk, the difficulty of the spellbook, whether you're a Mindcrafter/Troll, B/U/C status of the spellbook, Learning, Concentration, Literacy, and experience level factor in – the higher of these the better. Spell list Notation for spells: W – Willpower of the PC M – Mana of the PC L – Level of the PC P – Spell Power for the given spell R – Maximum range (as determined by the range formula) R* – Remaining range points when target is hit M{x,...
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Je suis convaincu que le libre accès est la seule solution valide pour sortir de cette situation socialement et économiquement absurde, et que l'on s'y dirige donc inexorablement. Cependant, il y a plusieurs façons de voir le libre accès (et autant de manières de le mettre en pratique), et toutes ne sont pas idéales. Il est donc indispensable d'influencer au mieux l'évolution du système de publication.
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Anonymous 4/6/2024, 8:42:37 AM #23c7dc35 > > 40dc5f49 sure thing, but so far no good lmao, the first time I did I kinda just went through the errors (x does not exist, etc) and downloaded the needed package and then it worked, but now starting fresh and installing all the needed packages doesn't seem to work as cmake chose to be a pain in the butt Anonymous 4/6/2024, 8:44:50 AM #dcd51612 > > 40dc5f49 also the first time git didn't work so I had to download the zip file from gitgud, to get the source in...