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News Analysis It’s Unclear Whether the Justice Dept. Will Take Up the Jan. 6 Panel’s Charges The department is under no obligation to adopt the House committee’s recommendations, and not much is publicly known about any specific charges that the special counsel might consider.
The flawed theory goes that if people are incentivized to “hoard” money, no one will ever spend money, and investments deemed “necessary” will not be made. If no one spends money and risk-taking investments are not made, unemployment will rise!
JD Glazer: "I'm a software engineer with a background in security. I had no political involvement until spring of 2020 when Whitmer declared she was going to use Facebook to track people who were part of the drive in protest at Lansing which included my wife who went.
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Supported by SKIP ADVERTISEMENT In Hong Kong, Jimmy Lai’s Media Company Moves to Close Down Next Digital, which has published criticism of China for decades, said a crackdown had left it with no way to operate. Its main newspaper, Apple Daily, closed in June. Share full article Outside the Hong Kong headquarters of Apple Daily and its publisher, Next Digital.
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