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[Hide] NSFW Content R: 8/ A: 2 Hi, I wrote https://0chan.vip another federated *chan that is a bit older than Fchannel. Is Usagi.reisen the only fchannel node left? 0chan is the only "multichan" node surviving (after some spam issues and bullshit).
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Everything I write from here onwards can be done in either interactive or non-interactive modes, but I prefer having a backup of everything I do, so I will be using the non-interactive one. There is a good enough documentation on how the statements work, the data types, and some quirks at Quantum Programming in QCL (PDF document) in the project website.
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I’ve seen some comments regarding power outages and poor wifi. I was planning to buy a SIM card for my backup phone to use, but kinda worried now. How frequent are outages here on the coast? Was also thinking to go to Salinas but hard to find info on surf.
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It has some weird issues, either in hardware or firmware, that cause it to sometimes go crazy and randomly “press” the wrong keys, forcing me to pull out my backup keyboard until the lunacy 1 passes. On top of that, managing it requires Corsair’s bloated, Windows-only iCUE software or a reverse-engineered alternative like ckb-next , which isn’t fun for a Linux user like me, and even with ckb-next , the customization is limited.
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