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The mailing list archives are available at https://lore.kernel.org/git/ , https://marc.info/?l=git and other archival sites. Issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately to the Git Security mailing list [email protected] .
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In addition to trucks, the columns included elements of a pontoon-bridge fleet, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and Iskander launchers. Russian military opened a bazaar for the sale of l stolen blood soaked loot ▪️In the city of Narovlya (Belarus) the occupiers set up a specialized bazaar selling property looted in Ukraine.
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Steven is now working for the Capital One (AML Sr Investigator since 2016, Philadelphia Area), JP Morgan Chase (Compliance Associate since 2014), U.S. Navy (since 1998). Joseph L. Votel Joseph L. Votel (born February 14, 1958) is a four-star general in the United States Army who has been commander of United States Central Command since March 2016.
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