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Lyrics: 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 Uh, uh huh uh huh 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 Uh, uh huh uh huh Kissy face, kissy face Sent to your phone but, I'm trying to kiss your lips for real Red hearts, red hearts That’s what I’m on yeah Come give me something I can feel Oh oh oh Don't you want me like I want you, baby Don't you need me like I need you now S leep tomorrow but tonight go crazy All you gotta do is just meet me at the 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 아파트 Uh, uh huh uh huh 아파트 아파트 아파트...
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They both smiled back at each other. Blake leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Yuri was surprised but didn't pull away. They both started laughing and Blake leaned in again for a more intense kiss. Yuri felt a strange sensation inside her stomach, and she knew that she was impressed by Blake's strength.
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Connections Featured in Looney Tunes: Back in Action ( 2003 ) Soundtracks Duck Dodgers Theme Song Written by Wayne Coyne and Steven Drozd Performed by Tom Jones and The Flaming Lips Reviews i like it My favorite part of the show is the theme song at the begining sung by tom jones it just makes the show for me. After that who cares. it does have it moments for me after all i always thought daffy duck was histercal and porky pig as his sidekick is great. by ThermalHeat on Sep 22, 2003 . 11...
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