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10時に行くともうすでに何人かいるので入れるまで1時間以上かかったりする。\nAdministration office(アドミン)の個室で衣類を全部脱いで何か隠していないか、性は性の職員にチェックされる。大きなお金は預ける。スタンプを押してもらえたら檻の中に入ることができる。\n\n後で記事にするがこの収容所では、世界でも有名なほど、賄賂が必要だ。ここでは金が全てで、金が無いと本当の意味で命も落とす。\n最初に彼に言った言葉は「ごめんなさい」だった。
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Not only do they have homophone puns (so many homophones) and rhyming puns, but also visual puns like Katamari Damacy 塊魂. rjh29 2y I like words where one kanji is changed to make the meaning opposite (without changing the pronounciation) 名演 (great acting performance) -> 迷演 (baffling performance) 国道 (highway) -> 酷道 (road in terrible condition) There are also some horrible ones like 毒(独) and 害人(外人) Also 休館日 (museum holiday day) -> 休肝日 ("give your liver a rest day" - i.e....
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Also, following songs: Eddie Vedder - Long Nights, Manu Chao - Carreteiro, PALC - С каждым. http://wsmkgnmhmzqm7kyzv7jnzzafvgm7xlmlfvzhgorpapd5or2arnhuktqd.onion 22.01.2022 17:12:27 +00:00 Update: Radio playlist update #11 Throwed some songs of 彩音 (Ayane): Arrival of Tears (void remix), Crest of Knights, ORANGE, Private place, To the Moon, 魔っ子メグちゃん. http://wsmkgnmhmzqm7kyzv7jnzzafvgm7xlmlfvzhgorpapd5or2arnhuktqd.onion 28.12.2021 20:59:40 +00:00 Diary: 2021. Outcomes. How to say it...
Story available in English , Azerbaijani , Kurdish (Kurmanji) , Kurdish (Sorani) , Serbian , Spanish , Urdu Published in October 2023 十年过去,习近平的一带一路怎么样了 中国国家主席习近平2013年推出“一带一路”倡议时,受到各国的欢迎。十年过去了,这个大型基础建设计划近年风光不再,且饱受贪腐、债务、高利贷和劳工剥削等争议。美国之音全球记者团队带您审一带一路过去十年在各大洲的发展与挑战。 Collection available in Mandarin Published in October 2023 Confronting ‘Morality’: Five Iranian women share their stories of grief, survival and resistance Mahsa Amini’s death while in the hands of Iran’s morality police has...
"labour" (勞動) – North Korea: rodong (로동), South Korea: nodong (노동) "history" (歷史) – North Korea: ryŏksa (력사), South Korea: yeoksa (역사) This rule also extends to ㄴ n in many native and all Sino-Korean words, which is also lost before initial /i/ and /j/ in South Korean; again, North Korean preserves the [n] phoneme there. "female" (子) – North Korea: nyŏja (녀자), South Korea: yeoja (여자) North Koreans pronounce ㅈ, ㅊ as [ts], [tsʰ] Korean vowels [ edit ]...
List – Arav's dwelling / Radio [5.8G] ├── [ 33M] Ayane │   ├── [5.0M] 彩音 - Arrival of Tears -void remix-.ogg │   ├── [3.9M] 彩音 - Crest of Knights.ogg │   ├── [5.3M] 彩音 - Lunatic Tears.ogg │   ├── [4.4M] 彩音 - ORANGE.ogg │   ├── [4.6M] 彩音 - Private place.ogg │   ├── [4.7M] 彩音 - To the Moon.ogg │   └── [5.0M] 彩音 - 魔っ子メグちゃん.ogg ├── [149M] Burzum │   ├── [6.6M] 1992 │   │   ├── [4.3M] 02. Ea, Lord Of The Depths.ogg │   │   └── [2.2M] 05. War.ogg │   ├── [6.3M] 1996 │   │   └── [6.3M] 01.
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