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US mother accused of killing her children attends UK extradition hearing Kimberlee Singler denies responsibility for the deaths of her son and daughter – and an attack on a third child. 3 hrs ago London Las Vegas teenagers plead guilty to killing classmate Killers agree a plea deal to avoid murder trial for beating 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr to death. 3 hrs ago US & Canada Raygun apologises to Australian breakdancing community Rachael...
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My mother said that she could see her mother camped out there, but they would not let her go out to talk to her. But every once in a while, she could wave and her mother would wave back.
In recent years, his government has aggressively pursued legal action against its opponents, hindering their ability to operate freely, and sometimes hounding them into exile or jailing them. Speaking to reporters on Friday after the verdict was issued, defense lawyer Choung Chou Ngy called the decision an injustice and said he will talk to Son Chhay about lodging an appeal.
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Dans le cadre du master AlterEurope, le Département d ’ études politiques et territoriales de l ’ Université Jean Monnet et l ’ antenne stéphanoise SOS MEDITERRANEE vous convient à la projection de ce film ( https://www.sddistribution.fr/film/... ), suivie d ’ un débat animé par Nora El Qadim et Irina Mützelburg, enseignantes-chercheuses respectivement à l ’ Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis et à Sciences Po Lyon. Amicale laïque de Tardy, vendredi 22 novembre à partir de 17h30.
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