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También hubo tendidos eléctricos caídos, árboles y viviendas derribados y otras edificaciones sufrieron daños importantes o quedaron destruidos. La Universidad Baptista de Oklahoma en Shawnee y un aeropuerto sufrieron daños antes de que el tornado se alejara y perdiera fuerza.
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¿Qué hacen Emma y Nico? ¿Qué van a hacer? Decide si las frases son correctas o falsas.  Transcripción LISA: So, hier. Hier ist Yaras Fahrradladen. JÜRGEN: Also dann … LISA: Und wie kommt ihr jetzt nach Hause? Fahrt ihr nicht mit dem Bus?
As many as 1,134 cases were lodged last year against journalists and alleged government critics under the online security law, according Ain-O-Salish Kendra (ASK). By comparison, 130 cases were filed in 2020 and 63 cases in 2019. “The DSA was used to curb people’s rights of freedom of expression including when writer Mushtaq Ahmed, who was arrested in a DSA case, died in jail,” ASK said in releasing its report on Dec. 31.
Just type iotop in your terminal and you will get a regularly updated list of processes and the amount of I/O they are currently using: reads and writesin bytes per second, and percentage of time spent swapping and waiting for I/O. iotop is related to top and vmstat.
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