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Swiss Think Tank Called to Create State Cryptocurrency – invest with BitcoinDoubler2x In the report under the name “Blockchain After Hyip” they offer to create economic system, based on blockchain. Wherein, the next step towards making such a system must become the release of “franc-token”, managed by country`s central bank. “If National Bank and major players support token`s development, bound to Swiss franc, this will ease the trading of tokenized securities” , – researchers note.
Pita’s party was the biggest winner in the May 14 general election but now he has agreed to step aside and allow Pheu Thai, one of his allies, to nominate one of its own for prime minister. Pheu Thai (depicted in this cartoon holding hands with Pita) has pledged to stick with Move Forward in their joint efforts to form the next government.
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Bitcoin uses this model for monetary transactions, but it can be deployed in many other ways. What is Blockchain Technology? A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners Think of a railway company. We buy tickets on an app or the web. The credit card company takes a cut for processing the transaction.
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