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So now we have the 450 Marlin cartridge, which is in effect a "Plus P" 45-70, purposely non-interchangeable to avoid its use in trap-door Springfields. This is probably a good idea, evidently stolen by Marlin from Jim West of Anchorage.
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In this section, we take a look at what the beginning of 2019 brings us - this section is led by Mitchell P. Krawiec-Thayer. Conferences and Payment IDs Back in January 2019, Monero Research Lab and several developers attended the Stanford Blockchain Conference.
"+u####" 16-bit Unicode literal, same as \U in Java. "+U######" 24-bit Unicode literal, for higher numerical pairs. "+p" A literal plus sign (becomes +). "+f" A literal forward slash (becomes /). "+b" A literal backwards slash (becomes \). "+d" A literal dollar sign (becomes $). "++" Stop parsing special "+g" Start matching group set, ends at "+e".