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一位中国女孩在韩国准备接受双眼皮手术。 (图:Reuters / Lee Jae-Won) 痛,但上瘾 贝拉清楚记得做内眼角和全切手术那天,2018年12月15日,她18岁,在南京某艺术学院读大一。 “眼皮剪开后,麻药进到肉里才有效。所以刚搽完麻药,用手术刀剪眼皮两头时,你想象下,就跟用剪刀剪牛皮纸的质感一模一样,痛得我眼泪直流。”江苏省中医院,那个整容医生小有名气,贝拉9月面诊,排到12月才做。 双眼皮割完,贝拉每次被夸,天呐,你这割的太自然了吧,她都很得意。
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Low taxes, low regulation, and everything expires in 2022, so either he can fuck off his second term or blame the Dems for his policies coming to maturity. Seriously, back in 2018-19 economists were predicting a recession just like the one we got because of his policies. 3 u/SchismZero Sep 12 '24 It's funny how every time the economy is bad under a Democrat president, it's the fault of whatever Republican president was last in office.
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