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Agahnim is a priest in the original Japanese version, [ citation needed ] but a wizard in the international release. The Cursed Fairy was originally 神 ( Megami ). The 教会 ( Church ) became the Sanctuary and the 神父様 ( Priest ) became the Loyal Sage . Nintendo of Europe's localizations follow the American one in naming the Fat Fairy, but are inconsistent with respect to the Loyal Sage and the Sanctuary , sometimes favoring the Japanese meaning and other times the American.
"labour" (勞動) – North Korea: rodong (로동), South Korea: nodong (노동) "history" (歷史) – North Korea: ryŏksa (력사), South Korea: yeoksa (역사) This rule also extends to ㄴ n in many native and all Sino-Korean words, which is also lost before initial /i/ and /j/ in South Korean; again, North Korean preserves the [n] phoneme there. "female" (子) – North Korea: nyŏja (녀자), South Korea: yeoja (여자) North Koreans pronounce ㅈ, ㅊ as [ts], [tsʰ] Korean vowels [ edit ]...
Story available in English , Azerbaijani , Kurdish (Kurmanji) , Kurdish (Sorani) , Serbian , Spanish , Urdu Published in October 2023 十年过去,习近平的一带一路怎么样了 中国国家主席习近平2013年推出“一带一路”倡议时,受到各国的欢迎。十年过去了,这个大型基础建设计划近年风光不再,且饱受贪腐、债务、高利贷和劳工剥削等争议。国之音全球记者团队带您审视一带一路过去十年在各大洲的发展与挑战。 Collection available in Mandarin Published in October 2023 Confronting ‘Morality’: Five Iranian women share their stories of grief, survival and resistance Mahsa Amini’s death while in the hands of Iran’s morality police has...
I also substituted in the circles with numbers, and ignored the elipsis. 麻、しっかり腕待っといてね〜 お姉ちゃん視ての通リ気が笑いしもう7校生だからさー? 腕自由にしたら私達学生じゃ皆泣かされちゃからねw だいじょうぶ、菜々のお姉さん歳上の割に力弱いっぽいしさ、何かしても逆にお姉さんがこっちに泣かされるんじゃない?w それに聡も上乗ってるし動けないっしょ そう?
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Elle vient d’un lieu de souffrance et d’injustice. C’est une résistance contre l’effacement." - Alice Wong 王华 Décoloniser les espaces de justice sociale vous ne rendez pas justice aux personnes handicapées, vous ne pouvez pas lutter contre l’incarcération, l’exclusion sociale, la ségrégation, la catastrophe en cours...  
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