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Four identical Cloudfront distributions were created with no caching and response compression enabled. Each distribution had one origin pointing to an API Gateway. Each API Gateway was generated with a combination of EDGE/REGIONAL endpoint type and response compression enabled/disabled so as to test all the different combinations.
Project Ainita Twitter March 26, 2012 Europe-Persia Express Gateway ( EPEG ) Project Apparently, there is a huge fiber optic project connecting Oman in persian gulf to Iran, Azarbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, East Europe to Germany.
It basically means that the ACCUSATION of being controlled or influenced by foreign powers is enough to get you kicked off and blacklisted from internet service providers, webhosts, etc. ¨ Anonymous 03/18/24(Mon)23:36:09 No. 220 Good. 4-chan Anonymous 03/11/24(Mon)15:13:42 No. 194  [ Reply ]   >>197 What is the most used 4-chan server? Does anyone know? ¨ Anonymous 03/12/24(Tue)00:17:53 No. 197 >>194 you mean the biggest board?
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