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toggleKey, keyFull: Hotkeys to drop down the terminal. Set to Control-Alt-y and Alt-F11 by default, respectively. See the man page for more; see also the man pages for xterm and urxvt and their respective resources.
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Tor and peer to peer Except for Arch Linux cryo is bundled with latest Tor binary from the Tor browser. Later versions of cryo can be configured to select your own Tor binary similar to how it works in Onion Share, so if you already use the Tor browser updates to Tor binary won't depend on cryo, and if the Tor browser is configured with Tor bridges these apply as well.
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Running Execute the binary to ensure it all works properly: ./codies --debug Daemonizing If you want it to start as soon as your machine boots and that it restarts on crash, you'll need to run it with a supervisor like OpenRC, runit, or systemd.
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Install kcptun on Server In a browser on your workstation, visit https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun/releases to determine the latest release. Then, in your SSH session with the server, download the binary for that release. For example: wget https://github.com/xtaci/kcptun/releases/download/v20220628/kcptun-linux-amd64-20220628.tar.gz Extract the compressed archive: tar -xf kcptun-linux-amd64-20220628.tar.gz Copy the binary into your path: cp server_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin...
Only packs metadata blocks that are actually used. " ) . arg ( Arg :: with_name ( " INPUT " ) . help ( " Specify thinp metadata binary device/file " ) 2 src/bin/thin_metadata_unpack.rs Unescape Escape View File @ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use std::process; fn main ( ) { let parser = App :: new ( " thin_metadata_unpack " ) . version ( " 0.8.5 " ) // FIXME: use actual version . version ( thinp :: version :: TOOLS_VERSION ) . about ( " Unpack a compressed file of thin metadata. " ) . arg ( Arg ::...