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The URL has been copied to your clipboard Share on Facebook Share on Twitter No media source currently available 0:00 0:08:36 0:00 Direct link 64 kbps | MP3 Pop-out player Hannah Kaviani Hannah Kaviani is a Radio Farda staffer based in Prague, since 2008. She followed the nuclear negotiations between Iran and 6 world powers between 2013 and 2015 and covers the aftermath of Iran deal.
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I know that every day you send hundreds of megabytes and you try to destroy my site but only thing you can do is to destroy one link. I'm gonna fight with you forever and I fucking hate you. DDoS can stop us for a while but you won't stop the whole community. FUCK YOU!
One of the most common is via email phishing and spam messages that include either a malicious attachment or a link to a malicious or compromised website. Once an unsuspecting user opens the attachment or clicks the link, the ransomware can infect the victim’s computer and spread throughout the network. 9.
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