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Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. https://docs.ansible.com. https://www.ansible.com/ Tags: python ansible hacktoberfest ⭐ 62.3k 🍴 23.8k 👀 1.9k ⚖️ GPL-3.0 license 🌿 Python 87.3%, PowerShell 7.2%, Shell 2.8%, C# 2.2%, Jinja 0.5%, Go 0.0%, Files 📁 .azure-pipelines 📁 .github 📁 bin 📁 changelogs 📁 hacking 📁...
Contents 1 World-wide Web 1.1 Rediscovering the Small Web 2 Software Engineering 2.1 Choose Boring Technology 2.2 PermaComputing 3 Productivity 3.1 Zettelkasten note-taking method 3.2 GTD in 15 minutes 4 Distributed Systems 4.1 Local-first Software World-wide Web Rediscovering the Small Web This essay is a nostalgic trip back to the 90s when the web was still free and for the people.
Camera manufacturer Apple Camera model iPhone 6s Plus Exposure time 1/100 sec (0.01) F Number f/2.2 ISO speed rating 40 Date and time of data generation 19:11, 24 January 2018 Lens focal length 4.15 mm Orientation Rotated 90° CCW Horizontal resolution 72 dpi Vertical resolution 72 dpi Software used 11.2.2 File change date and time 19:11, 24 January 2018 Y and C positioning Centered Exposure Program Normal program Exif version 2.21 Date and time of digitizing 19:11, 24 January 2018 Meaning...
Anonyme Non connecté(e) Se connecter Demander un compte BoyWiki Rechercher 1970 De BoyWiki Espaces de noms Page Discussion Plus Plus Langues Actions de la page Lire Voir le texte source Historique 1970 ◄ Année ► ◄ Siècle ► ◄ Millénaire ► Sommaire 1 Événements de 1970 2 Livres parus en 1970 2.1 Livres en anglais 2.2 Livres en français 3 Films sortis en 1970 4 Œuvres d’art 5 Naissances en 1970 6 Décès en 1970 7 Autres calendriers 8 Voir aussi 8.1 Articles connexes 9 Notes et références L’an...
Notation and conventions The core Tor protocol 2. Tor Protocol Specification 2.1. Preliminaries 2.2. Relay keys and identities 2.3. Channels 2.3.1. Negotiating and initializing channels Obsolete channel negotiation handshakes 2.3.2.
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Table of Contents: hide Table of Contents пїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ. пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ 1. пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ 1.1....
As a woman born and raised in Michigan, I have a moral obligation to stand up for the rights of the nearly 2.2 million Michigan women who will lose their right to make decisions about their own bodies if Roe falls. Michigan, like several other states, has a law criminalizing abortion that is still on the books.
Manual pvc card embossing machine, With laser code character dial, offers more delicate and realistic effect Easy to Use with No Skilled Training Required, Just Turn the dial to the Character you Want and Pull the Lever Internal 70 Code Characters, Adopting ISO International Credit Card Special Characters Indicator and Sample Card For Raised Type Location Indication 7 Characters or 10 Characters Per Inch Adjustable and 11 Lines of Embossing Features: 1.With laser code character dial, offers more delicate...
/etc/init.d/uhttpd stop /etc/init.d/uhttpd disable # repeat the following until no more packages are removed. opkg remove --autoremove luci * Network and device configuration # Time configure the network interfaces with vi : root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/wireless config wifi-device radio0 option type 'mac80211' option macaddr '<router_s MAC address here>' option hwmode '11g' option channel '<channel>' option country '<region>' option txpower '20' # REMOVE THIS LINE TO ENABLE WIFI: option disabled...
. : 10 dependencies : 11 dotenv : 12 specifier : 16.4 .5 13 version : 16.4 .5 14 devDependencies : 15 '@babel/eslint-parser' : 16 specifier : 7.23 .3 17 version : 7.23 .3 (@babel/[email protected])([email protected]) 18 '@babel/preset-react' : 19 specifier : 7.23 .3 20 version : 7.23 .3 (@babel/[email protected]) 21 '@playwright/test' : 22 specifier : ^1.47.1 23 version : 1.47 .1 24 '@testing-library/dom' : 25 specifier : 9.3 .4 26 version : 9.3 .4 27 '@testing-library/jest-dom' : 28 specifier : 5.17 .0 29 version : 5.17...
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. -------- MÉTODO 2: BITCOINS CONTAMINADOS > > > SEM TROCA DE BITCOIN KYC > > > DINHEIRO POR CORREIO OU PESSOALMENTE -------- 2.1 – Procure pelo termo “AgoraDesk” no DuckDuckGo. 2.2 - Crie uma conta usando um e-mail seguro e venda seus Bitcoins contaminados escolhendo a opção Dinheiro por Correio ou Pessoalmente.
Some have speculated that his death was a recreation of a scene from a film he was fond of: Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. [ 1 ] External link Alan-Turing.org References ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Wikipedia ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Alan Turing (Greek Love) ↑ TV Documentary (shortened and annotated) ↑ Nambla Article on Alan Turing ↑ "The Turing-Welchman Bombe" ↑ Turing Machine ↑ "How Alan Turing Cracked the Enigma Code" ↑ "PM's apology to codebreaker Alan Turing: we were inhumane" ↑ Petition for...
Camera manufacturer samsung Camera model SM-G930F Exposure time 1/3,104 sec (0.00032216494845361) F Number f/1.7 ISO speed rating 40 Date and time of data generation 16:25, 30 June 2018 Lens focal length 4.2 mm Latitude 53° 11′ 59″ N Longitude 5° 47′ 42″ E Altitude 0 meters above sea level Orientation Normal Horizontal resolution 72 dpi Vertical resolution 72 dpi Software used G930FXXU2ERE8 File change date and time 16:25, 30 June 2018 Y and C positioning Centered Exposure Program Normal program Exif...
Online map of Edinburgh Contents 1 From Edinburgh Waverley station 2 From Edinburgh Airport 2.1 Bus 2.2 Taxi 2.3 Shared taxi 3 From Glasgow Airport 4 From Glasgow Prestwick Airport From Edinburgh Waverley station If you have much luggage, it will be easiest to get a taxi to Teviot .
. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREENSHOTS (Click to enlarge) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDIAINFO Container = Matroska (mkv) Duration = 00:42:14.553 Filesize = 218 MiB Overall bitrate = 722 kb/s Video Codec info = AVC High@L3 | V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Resolution = 720x326 Display AR = 2.199 | 2.2:1 Bitrate = Framerate = CFR 23.976 Color space = YUV Chroma subsampling = 4:2:0 Encoder =...