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Until 2013, almost all market with bitcoins were in United States dollars (US$). As the market valuation of the total stock of bitcoins approached US$1 billion, some commentators called bitcoin prices a bubble.
If I want to talk to someone at example.org , my homeserver will just relay any communications to the example.org homeserver, and vice versa. I can join public or private rooms on other homeservers, and can respectively create my own rooms that anyone else can join. There's also no (other than practical) limit to the number of homeservers participating in a room.
Generally, while it has/had historic value, these days only far right conspiracy theorist morons fly it. 1 year ago | 13 1 TastyBrainMeats I always preferred "JOIN OR DIE" anyway 1 year ago | 2 1 elbowdeepinawhateverthatis I can’t find this image on the internet with the colors, only black and yellow.
For more information see the recent announcement and the project website . Participants are encouraged to join the mailing list before attending Debcamp to involve participants not present at Debcamp/conf. Debian-specific usability issues Leader Enrico Zini Description I'd like some discussion and brainstorming with other devels, so that my final talk can show a picture made by the experiences and view of more people.