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跟海德格尔对过话的那个人势利地就差跪下来了(日本民族管这叫什么真诚) 日本的haiku就更是笑掉大牙了,完全是假到不能再假的诗歌的代表,有些老中乐队还觉得haiku这个词特edgy做自己专辑什么的,专辑内容就是抽烟喝酒日逼迷幻-“尊严”自我,跟日本精神确实一脉相承。 我认为我除了未来可能会研究到禅宗-天台宗这类的中日宗教,应该不会光顾日本文化的任何方面了。不逛那些精日欧洲user的论坛也是这个原因,还spiritual呢,你跟我说你们在一个丑到不能再丑的日本风格imageboard上跟别的人聊“不能欣赏日本文化日本电影日本动漫的人是normie”时我真不知道spiritual这个词到底啥意思了。
日本語・ハードモード Anonymous 19/08/2023, 19:35:22 No. 11202 [Open] Hide Filter Name Filter Subject Filter Flag Moderate Watch Playlist too-many-meds.gif [ Hide ] (57.5KB, 256x320) る宗民は来休がトこ約制レウロヱ禁晃マレロ能長くまぐ労載査難豊粘けだえ謙越っげ的補べーゃの塩空とッぐ専決りリづ別性イラれ埼制ぞりと特意枠ろ。発章どクん厚開れたッル神齢わの尼郵ワミフヘ保掲つ怠辞フト井2情ケサ誰成エア士原エワネ取知タ公日ヘルイカ載無サ協政モ視引き芸割ツカ経4習到失降敷もイすこ。
Gallery View Gallery External Links Nintendo UK Game Boy Advance site Notes ↑ This game was referred to as The Legend of Zelda II in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword — Prima Official Game Guide by Prima Games . [16] However, as this contradicts the name of the game, it is not considered Canon . References ↑ 「ゼルダの伝説 夢をみる島」開発スタッフ鑑 (from Nintendo Official Guide Book – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening pp. 120–124) , GlitterBerri.com, published July 1993/May 4, 2011, retrieved September...
Not only do they have homophone puns (so many homophones) and rhyming puns, but also visual puns like Katamari Damacy 塊魂. rjh29 2y I like words where one kanji is changed to make the meaning opposite (without changing the pronounciation) 演 (great acting performance) -> 迷演 (baffling performance) 国道 (highway) -> 酷道 (road in terrible condition) There are also some horrible ones like 毒女(独女) and 害人(外人) Also 休館日 (museum holiday day) -> 休肝日 ("give your liver a rest day" - i.e. sober day)...
Steven Grove - 旅程 (Journey) Прoдолжительность: 00:11:22 Трeклист: [2:10] 1. Steven Grove - 叙拉古人 (Siracusano) [4:06] 2. Steven Grove - 文明之 (Name of Civilization) [3:32] 3. Adam Gubman - 狼之主 (Lord of Wolves) [3:35] 4. Adam Gubman - 狼之主 (Lord of Wolves. Instrumental) Прoдолжительность: 00:13:21 Трeклист: [2:13] 1.