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= "anonymous") { %> <a href="https://<%=author[0]%>/" class="b-comment_b-homeboard" title="Аноним выбрал принадлежность «<%=author[1][1]%>»"> <img src="/ico/homeboards/<%=author[1][0]%>" width="16" height="16" alt="" /> </a> <% } %> </div> <div class="b-comment_b-body g-clearfix"> <p> <% if (upload) { %> <a class="b-image-link" target="_blank" href="/<%=upload['web_full']%>"...
18 John Neill 6 years ago Although the recipe ( curiously) doesn’t specify young, small carrots ( organic, best flavour too ) the image shows these for sure! Such a choice would work easily just halving the carrots, & eagle- eyed subscribers will appreciate the nice presentation with the base of the leaves still attached!
The values ​​of a company constitute the base of this one, it is for us our DNA. They are important because they convey the company's image and culture. The EURISOLE group and the people who represent it share the same values. The strengths of the Group's teams that are recognized by our customers during our satisfaction surveys are listening to the customer – responsiveness – quality – safety as well as professionalism.
Vous n’obtiendrez pas autant que d’utiliser d’autres méthodes, mais en termes de temps / argent, c’est un moyen idéal. Je vous ai donc décrit les principaux moyens de gagner de l’argent en utilisant le CC d’autres personnes. Vous devez décider vous-même quelle méthode vous convient le mieux et si elles vous conviennent du tout.
Parts of the Tupac project are being worked on by Sylvain Chichery as a postdoc funded by the ReComp project, which aims at enhancing the reliability of AI in society by implementing real-time compliance mechanism for legal and ethical norms, including concerning personal data. Trustable homomorphic computation Homomorphic cryptography is used when computations are delegated to an untrusted third-party .
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SideShift’s coin selection is rather limited, but they do carry several major coins, including BTC, ETH, XMR, XLM, USDT, and BCH, among others SideShift.ai enables HUMANS and AI to shift between 30+ cryptocurrencies. Swap between coins with fast and easy user experience, no sign-up required. Link: https://SideShift.ai   2.Changelly With over 140 coins and tokens that can be easily swapped for one another within minutes, Changelly is one of the longest-running and most flexible...
FinSpy has been found to affect computers through fake software update prompts, and by hiding in what appears to be an image file that is relevant to the person being phished. Using “enhanced remote deployment methods” it can install software on target computers.
Do not compare this message in your code data Object It is data object address: It is address where fund is sent or received. label: Label that is assigned to the newly created address. qr_code: qr code image. POST Create New Wallet Address http://coinremigysnuarj3vpw6m67chalz7lzg7gu4pll3qodtywp3yu7ruqd.onion/api/v3/TCN/get-new-address Parameter api_key * password * label Try Now Clear Request api_key : password : label : Response ( 200 Ok - https status code) {"flag":1,"msg":"New address...
Закладки можно помечать любым цветом, указывать пароли для быстрого доступаа к сайтам (не безопасно), и много другого. k j j j j e 14 m 0 Комментировать ONLINE Secure password generator Перейти на сайт Лаконичный сервис предоставляющий генератор паролей по заданному шаблону k j j j j e 17 m 0 Комментировать ONLINE INFINITY PROJECT Перейти на сайт Проект команды девелоперов, специализирующихся на разработке прикладных систем для ведения бизнеса k j j j j e 29 m 0 Комментировать ONLINE QR...
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The .iso consists of an open source ATM software stack available to install on a generic machine, e.g. porteus-kiosk.org, with a combination of a Monero wallet and a node.js app to run locally and interact with the user, the buffer wallet, and the bill recycler through a browser and a built-in python function for price discovery. Anyone can download an .iso image, flash it on a stick, install it on a machine, connect it to a bill acceptor, and [Esperanto for] boom, you have an Unbanked...
Relay users are not affected. ticket BBS thread NTC thread relay graph bridge graph 2021-02-06 to 2021-02-07 Myanmar Internet shutdown in Myanmar. relay graph bridge graph OONI report IODA 2021-01-31 to 2021-02-01 Myanmar Partial Internet shutdown after coup in Myanmar. relay graph bridge graph article IODA OONI report 2021-01-27 snowflake Deployed version 0.5.3 of the Snowflake WebExtension, with improvements to NAT handling. archive ticket comment 2021-01-26...