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abbf8bb6622 04/10/2024, 04:34:15 No. 116 Hide Filter ID Filter Name Moderate Mmm, 'm seein a bit higher on some sites, I'd say more like 15.5k XRP per XMR. But I can do your rate if ur dippin in the transactn costs. 88b6f3 04/10/2024, 04:36:21 No. 117 Hide Filter ID Filter Name Moderate <Shivering with Anticipation> Sounds like a damn fair trade to me.
Colophon Many thanks to Neguilla, Malfael's servitor for a lot of guidance in creating this guide. This guide may be copied freely to other sites or guide repositories given that credit is given and any edits are clearly marked as such. A lot of this guide was written by Ashley, the later revisions were written by Ashley herself.
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I was recently having a discussion with someone who is in their 80s, and whose profession was in communications and electronics before he retired. He was a young adult when this happened in 1969. I asked him how it was possible that we could have had this technology back in 1969? He was quite sure we did, as everyone watched it “live” on TV.
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