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Template:IPA link z ts ㄗ 子 roughly like bu ds Template:IPA link c ts' ㄘ 此 ca ts h issing Template:IPA link s ㄙ 私 s ame Semivowels Template:IPA link y-/-i- ㄧ 牙 Template:IPA link es Template:IPA link w-/-u- ㄨ 我 Template:IPA link ater Template:IPA link yu-/-ü- [29] yü-/-ü- ㄩ 月 French: n Template:IPA link it Syllabic consonants Template:IPA zh i , ch i , sh i , r i ih ㄭ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many 之, 吃, 師 (), 日 roughly like glass e s [30] Template:IPA z i , c i...
I believe this is the most frequent Korean interpretation because 初志 초지 is not a common Korean word (its synonym 初心 초심 is common) and 初志一貫 is probably the only phrase you can find this word. nabla9 2y 弁慶 (Common Saying in Japanese makes it sound deeper) noduerme 2y > I'm currently experimenting with doing 30 minutes of enjoyable, productive activities once a day for 7 days Carrying out your original intent is sometimes not possible.
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So at school, the students in higher grades than oneself are senpai. Sensei (先【せんせい】, literally meaning "former-born") is used to refer to or address teachers, doctors, politicians, lawyers, and other authority figures. first, you need to know about modest word. when you talk about your family (parents, bro and sis) to others (even your grandparents, uncle, cousin... etc.), you need to use modest words. ex. dad -chichi (modest word) -otousan, tousan, touchan, otouchan, oyaji... etc.
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These are the experiences I'm summarizing here. " No Trace Project PDF: read | A4 booklet | letter booklet • TXT Other languages (cmn) 监狱往返之旅 " 砰。你牢房的门是关着的。[…]你环顾四周,试图了解你接下来几年将在哪里度过。[…]我在这里写的是我经历的精髓。在我入狱的头五六年里,我会了让我度过最后十年的存策略。这些是我在这里总结的经验。 " No Trace Project PDF: read | A4 booklet | letter booklet • TXT (de) Einmal Knast und zurück " Rumms, und zu ist die Zellentür. […] Du siehst dich um und betrachtest deinen Lebensraum der nächsten Jahre. […] Das, was ich hier...