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Anónimo 03/29/24 (Fri) 16:00:18 /#/ 375 Respuesta rapida > > 358 La actividad del chan ha caido por ello. Tener lo de las banderitas fuera de /pol/ y tablones regionales es contraproducente y solo empeora la calidad del chan.
About Imprint Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. (FSFE) Address: Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany Email: [email protected] President: Matthias Kirschner Seat: Hamburg. Eingetragen beim Registergericht AG Hamburg, VR 17030 UstID: DE234323337 Founding year: 2001 EU transparency register ID: 33882407107-76 Privacy policy The fsfe.org web site is run by the FSFE e.V.
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Medvedeva said the two people killed in Toretsk were men ages 52 and 53. The city of Khariv also was shelled late on September 7, the regional Prosecutor-General’s Office said. The grounds of a private business and nine vehicles were damaged, and a 61-year-old security guard was injured.