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:Kx...cOKd..lkoc:cONx ' .coc:;:Oko0xokl,:. ' 00 ' ..;cc ' ..:K0c..xNOOXc .Ox.l0:;kXo. ' l ' ..... .:olcc,lNKokNl d0, .kK, cNWo;0Wo .oXk,..,kO;o0dkd.:0d:OO,lNo . ' ,c0MOc,oWO. .OKlxK;.oO,.d0o:l0l ' lclo;.:kk;;0Wd.
‘ u ’ is not meaningful for ‘ Z ’, ‘ Q ’ and ‘ N ’. ‘ M ’ is a proxy for the C library ‘ l ’ or ‘ L ’, according to the size of mp_limb_t . Unsigned conversions will be usual, but a signed conversion can be used and will interpret the value as a two’s complement negative. ‘ n ’ can be used with any type, even the GMP types.
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Denote covariance of Z by G, we have G=V.S.Transpose[V] Second, use the LowerUpperTriangleDecomposition algorithm on G, we have a lower triangle matrix L whose diagonal is 1 and a diagonal matrix D such that: D=L.G.Transpose[L] Therefore, D=L.G.Transpose[L] =L.V.S.Transpose[V].Transpose[L] =LV.S.Transpose[LV] LV is the C we want.
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