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July 15, 2024 Deadly Flood Hits Kyrgyzstan ' s Second City At least five people are known to have lost their lives when the Ak-Buura river burst its banks in the city of Osh, Kyrgyzstan ' s second largest, on July 14. The current was so strong that some victims ' bodies were washed across the border into neighboring Uzbekistan.
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The Glock 17 …. To add we are also specialized in different guns; -Sig Sauer – Ak 47 -Berreta -Ruger we have a lot in stock. We only deal with serious customers, we are not out for games, we have all the recent pictures of our firearms. do not contact us and ask for photos when you will not place the order, we also send photos to serious customers.
Alexandre Skirda, trans. Paul Sharkey, Nestor Makhno: Anarchy’s Cossack. Oakland: AK Press, 2003. Carlos Taibo, Soviets, Consejos de Fábrica, Comunas Rurales. Calumnia: Mallorca, 2017. Various, A Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia.
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System messages Filter by prefix: Filter by customization state: Unmodified All Modified Language: aa - Qafár af ab - аԥсшәа abs - bahasa ambon ace - Acèh ady - адыгабзэ ady-cyrl - адыгабзэ aeb - تونسي/Tûnsî aeb-arab - تونسي aeb-latn - Tûnsî af - Afrikaans ak - Akan aln - Gegë als - Alemannisch alt - алтай тил am - አማርኛ ami - Pangcah an - aragonés ang - Ænglisc anp - अंगिका ar - العربية arc - ܐܪܡܝܐ arn - mapudungun arq - جازايرية ary - الدارجة arz - مصرى as - অসমীয়া ase - American sign...
I’ll ask to change that. ana Says: February 27th, 2007 at 11:23 pm Entry updated with the scripts fixed. ak Says: February 28th, 2007 at 4:09 am I can’t believe it! sar and gnuplot is just what I need right now. Thank you very much. aubustou Says: March 7th, 2007 at 3:29 pm Wonderful, i was trying to compile Grace and it kept failing.
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It’s a stark reminder of the perpetual danger lurking in this disputed oil-rich region spanning the border of Sudan and South Sudan . A procession of young men, AK-47s slung over their shoulders, walk into the village between the UN vehicle and a “this is a demilitarised zone” warning sign. There are just a few people around.